We know who’s been arming and funding Israel as it commits genocide.
And we know which media outlets are obfuscating the facts on the ground.
And we will not forget when this is all over.
Any politician who has been supporting Israel’s genocide will not get my vote. In Canada, I refuse to vote for Trudeau or Poilievre, both of whom support Israel as it commits genocide.
Nor will I subscribe to any publication that obscures the truth about the horrors of the genocide Israel is committing.
Recently I turned down a free subscription to the New York Times and stopped playing Wordl. I refuse to support this deceptive news outlet.
One day this genocide will end. And when it does you — politicians and media outlets — will have lost all credibility. You will be guilty of complicity in this genocide.
And your credibility will be the least of your worries as those who enabled Israel’s genocide are held to account.
The rest of the world has been onto your dirty tricks for a long time, but we in the west are quickly catching up.
You will be diminished, and others who are outraged about this horrible loss of life will take your place. We will not tolerate what the likes of you have to offer. Supporting and lying about an ongoing genocide is immoral and it violates international law.
Speaking of law, the introduction of increasingly heavy handed and unjust laws punishing those who speak out for Palestine won’t stop us. We’ll find ways of raising awareness. The cat’s out of the bag.
That goes for corporations that support Israel as well. We boycott you now, and will continue to. You’ve shown us who you are and we want no part of it.
All of you who are so powerful now will soon be nothing more than specks of dust. You with your arrogance and imperialist ambitions that blind you to your own humanity, you will lose what you had. You’ve already lost the respect of all those who have a conscience.
What you consider to be merely collateral damage in your hegemonic quest for world domination, we consider to be worthwhile human beings.
We will not forget who supported Israel as it committed genocide.
‘Never again’ was meant for everyone.
* * * * * * *
I love the BDS campaign and the effect it’s having on Israel’s economy.
Here's an excellent list of products from Israel: https://boycott.thewitness.news/browse/1
Here's a way to help others not in your bubble to boycott Israel: https://www.cjpme.org/stickies_2024_en
And here's where you can support Palestine by buying a keffiyeh: https://www.hirbawi.ps/
"We will not forget who supported Israel as it committed genocide."
So true! It's not a mean-spirited threat, either. It's a cold hard fact. There's no way we'll buy from, read, watch, or trust any brand name, corporation, journalist, media outlet, politician, etc., that has ignored the suffering and/or made profits from the genocide happening in Palestine. How could we ever trust those who demonstrate they don't have a conscience ever again?
This woman means business! Consider yourselves warned! ✊