Aug 11Liked by Diana van Eyk

"If we let this slide, we will let any atrocity slide."

This sentence summarizes the horror for me. Watching ourselves allow this to happen, some even defending the genocide, or not wanting to look at it because it's too painful or just feeling hopeless. That we can respond in this manner to this atrocity, is there anything we won't 'accept'? 😭

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Ya, the powers that be are trying to normalize genocide. What next? Thanks for commenting, Ann. I hope you're well.

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All good here, thanks, apart from being morbidly depressed about world affairs. But hey, which sane person isn't? Much love ❤️ and thanks for fighting the good fight..

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I counted 58 sets of applause from congress. Even when Netanyahu criticized American citizens and universities. There is something utterly deranged about that

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At one point Butcher Boy told them to quit clapping and listen. Maybe even he was getting a little embarrassed?

The Senate and Congress ,did a wonder job of de legitimizing themselves, bagged and bribed troglodytes.

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Aug 11Liked by Diana van Eyk

That is insulting towards seals. They may smell bad, but at least they’re honest.

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Aug 11Liked by Diana van Eyk

I agree. we need to stop using innocent animals to describe deranged humans. Pigs, dogs, seals, all of them. Animals have much more valid reasons for their behaviours than humans often do.

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I've been feeling the same way too, actually, since posting. I will change the title, and see if I can find something else to describe my rage towards these politicians.

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You could try "piles of poop", "cesspit floaters", "shitheads", "carpet stainers"...

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Agreed. This is the clearest moral test of our era.

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Congress is weird, it puts itself up for sale, AIPAC buys them for genocide, and the military industrial complex is so happy, that weapons manufacturing for civilian slaughter is a bipartisan white supremacist welfare program, that they cheer the ICJ convicted criminal perp. Thanks for requiring the moral perspective be put back into their politics.

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Aug 12·edited Aug 12Liked by Diana van Eyk

As an interesting aside, I came across an article where AIPAC's Washington HQ is being doubled in size. So who runs America?


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Certainly not the people of the US.

As to that huge AIPAC headquarters, you can bet Mossad will have a big presence there.

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I was a register democrat for 30 years and unregistered this year. Palestine has opened my eyes not just to AIPAC but how evil those in power really are

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Aug 11Liked by Diana van Eyk

Netanyahu will go down in history as the man who caused the destruction of Israel.

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Aug 11Liked by Diana van Eyk


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I agree, but what about those who support China and its treatment - also called a genocide- the Uyghurs?

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Aug 11Liked by Diana van Eyk

I put this link in a comment above, but it is an amazing interview so I don't think I can really post it too many times. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmYdpHtOv_E

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Hi Susan,

I just listened to the video you shared, and do feel concern for the Uyghurs, and for those who have disappeared in China.

It got me thinking about the different kinds of freedom: freedom to and freedom from.

It's great that we have free speech, but we also have poverty and hunger, and no choice but to live under a neoliberal economic system, since that's what all major parties support. Our money goes to the already rich and to supporting wars and genocide.

It would be great if we could have the best of both worlds, eh?

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Aug 12Liked by Diana van Eyk

I agree with your thinking altho I am not so sure that, these days, we really do have free speech. The accusations of antisemitism against people who do not support what Israel is doing to Palestinians or who make any negative comment about Israel, causes me to doubt that we really do have free speech. We certainly do when we are saying things that the power wants to hear, but otherwise? Also all those people given prison sentences in the UK because of a zoom meeting is not evidence of free speech. If we criticize what the Chinese are doing to the Uyghurs, then we have free speech because the power wants us to see China's oppression. Makes a nice cover for their own.

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I agree, or accusing protesters of being funded by Iran? And the high incarceration rate? Those things on top of the cost of living, lack of housing and our ever deteriorating infrastructure. To me, it doesn't seem like freedom. And I agree, pointing fingers at other countries is good cover for the leaders of our countries.

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What is it about? Is it about the Uyghurs? Why does no one talk about them when we talk about the Palestinians, or the Namibians, Roma and Dissidents and so on when we talk about German genocides in the first third of the 20th century? What about the Native s to Turtle Island in both Canada and the United States? That genocide is also ongoing!!!!! I want to vote for someone who is committed to decolonialization on ever level, while supporting grass roots local power and all way win solutions, such as free energy, and helping empower everyone to feel they have something to contribute, while ensuring no one goes hungry or cold, including if they don't want to have a biodigital ID.

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It is an interview with a Chinese politician that includes his ideas about Uyghurs, Tibetans and other parts of Chinese society. What is going on in China is no worse than what is going on elsewhere, but it is no better either. There is hypocrisy and lying anywhere there are politicians.

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As I understand it, the Uyghurs are put in camps, raped, tortured and force sterilized. That doesn’t happen en mass in the US and Canada, but it has happened very recently to the Indigenous in both places, and those genocides continue in various forms. I do not care to watch a Chinese politician. I would watch a refugee who’s escaped those camps. Look up Falun Dafa as well. Shen Yin performers are among those who who have survived torture and prison and now spread a message of hope and freedom through meditation and dance. I am not tortured and raped for my spirituality in the States and most people here and in Canada do not have this concern, but there are elite rape cults that exist here. See Kaia Ra and The Sophia Code Foundation.

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The Chinese politician is not the only person in the video. There is also a panel that presents interesting perspectives and audience members that ask interesting questions. The Chinese politician is just the most stuck person in the video.

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Sounds like propaganda. I have no interest in propaganda. It’s like being shown something by an Israeli politician that also includes audience members and a panel, probably with pre chosen questions and only allowable perspectives that SEEM to legitimately address SOME concerns, while veering the focus away from the REALLY DIRTY. Like the fact the Israeli gov is protecting soldiers who rape, or about the relations between Israel and the network of Jeffrey Epstein. Charles Lieber. Harvard. Convicted. China. Same type of shit with Canada and Chinese scientists that had to skedaddle but it all got covered up

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Wake up, America. The Billionaire Genocide Club of Vampires want to suck your blood.

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How many of those disgusting applauders are deluded "Christians" who think they're preparing for the rapture or whatever nonsense? Too many humans are stupid and heartless.

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Aug 29Liked by Diana van Eyk

Sad but true.

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I respect your position, Diana. Unfortunately, confronted by the unspeakable prospect of Trump and Trumpism, I most vote for "the lesser of two evils." Harris, who seemed completely in step with Biden until recently, now suggests there are "too many" civilian deaths in Gaza. [Source: https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/cn0lx2xgn55o -- Gee, yah think???] Trump & Co. feel there are too few -- and Jared wants to develop that ocean-front real estate. Of course, the entire Biden administration are guilty of aiding and abetting genocide, but there are gradations of evil here, and Trump is the most vile of all...

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Well, we let the holocaust slide until it was too late. What is really shocking is that we have learned nothing from history. It just keeps repeating itself. Are we deranged? stupid? murderous? What is wrong with humanity? And then there is this https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kmYdpHtOv_E

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Seems very one sided…. No discussion on what Hamas did (and has done…) makes your position weak.

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