1. We are ruled by persons whose behavior is indistinguishable from that of high functioning sociopaths.

2. Each election, we are presented with a choice of two carefully curated corporate imperialist muppets. Whatever the answer is, it isn’t voting.

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The leader of the government of Canada said on Holocaust remembrance day that Zionists need to feel safe. I was inspired to send him an email suggesting that he do some more reading as he did not seem to understand Zionism, much as honouring a person who had been on the side of the Nazis during WW2 had slipped past his awareness. I don't know what we can do about the blindness and sickness of those who have gained power over our political lives other than keep writing, keep resisting, keep talking.

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What is rapidly coming clear is that what we are facing is far, far, FAR greater than a GOP vs Dem national political crisis. That is a sideshow in something much larger. It is calamity rapidly hurling us all into a dark, dystopian worldwide evil oligarchy.

Gaza is a noxious bleeding symptom of what is happening and the Zionist takeover of our nation is a deadly runaway infection rotting us from the inside out. Here are two fascinating looks at what is really going on. Both require a few hours but are WELL worth the time:

Adam Curtis HyperNormalisation: "HyperNormalisation wades through the culmination of forces that have driven this culture into mass uncertainty, confusion, spectacle and simulation. Where events keep happening that seem crazy, inexplicable and out of control ... a new kind of resistance must be imagined and actioned, as well as an unprecedented reawakening in a time where it matters like never before." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=to72IJzQT5k&t=2s

Substacker Mike Hampton, from S. Africa: "How the world works, and how it doesn't, and why we're getting poorer" https://www.mikehampton.co.uk/p/why-are-we-poorer-gary-stevenson-novara-media?utm_source=post-email-title&publication_id=1023805&post_id=143184928&utm_campaign=email-post-title&isFreemail=true&r=2iji4s&triedRedirect=true&utm_medium=email

Resist, people.

Resist the ruling class, the digital currency, the mind-deadening corporate media and the 'official' story. of lies and fear served up hourly

Time is short and running out.

Keep painting Diana!!!

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I'm going to devote some time to those and other resources people have sent my way. And, thanks for the encouragement about the painting. The one I shared in that post was one of my first adult pencil crayon sketches that got me into painting again. It's probably about forty years old.

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And it resonates with today!

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Thanks, Mark!

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the painting helped me, somehow. When it resonated, I kept reading and I realized it was a good article.

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Our "leaders" -- I refer to those of the USA -- are the ones who essentially OKd coups and/or hideous interventions all over the world, perhaps most notably in Guatemala, Indonesia, and Iran in the 1950s, Vietnam (disaster on steroids (actually beginning in the 1950s), Laos, and Cambodia into the 70s, and thereafter in the Afghanistan, Argentina, Brazil, Chile, the Congo, El Salvador, Honduras, Iraq, and Nicaragua, among many other places. Our "leaders" have unanimously supported Israel. Our "leaders" have included an outright criminal (Trump), who will probably be re-elected this year.

No, they were not "fit to govern," but perhaps our system of government is itself no longer viable (assuming it ever was). People who draw information from sources like Breitbart, Fox, and Newsmax are too ignorant to vote intelligently or morally. All we can do is write, spread the truth, and hope that at some point in future, people will begin to see what our "leaders" actually represent.

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They’re what Klein refers to as the disaster capitalists. They will also profit from rebuilding what they are destroying.

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Exactly. Like New Orleans after the disaster there.

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That's a really important point regarding the extreme environmental impact of war. Something so often overlooked. I really hope Abby Martin manages to finish her new film on this very subject.

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I hope so too, and will look out for it. Thanks, Austin.

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When the protesters are considered terrorists and those who are committing genocide are the moral geniuses you know things are really dysfunctional

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That should be on billboards across the country.

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"we can make effective change to the system that is killing us."📢

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I hope so, Andy.

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Saying the truth is not enough when truth is relativized all around. But it still does do a lot, it forces the powerful to react and to reveal themselves in their reaction.

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the small changes we make on an individual basis may not be much in themselves, but all taken together, they may have an impact. We need to keep trying.

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I agree, Susan.

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Why haven’t our leaders been able to stop this madman?

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I don't see much will to do so, especially in the case of Biden. I think they're complicit.

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No they are not!

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Thanks for the book references. Max Blumenthal also has a good book on this subject- The Management Of Savagery. The institutions we built have failed us and represent the weapons manufacturers instead. As Kim Stanley Robinson writes we really need a Ministry of the Future. Until then BDS is the way to bankrupt systems based on savagery.

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BDS is such an important tool. I look forward to checking out the resources everyone has provided. Thanks, Gladwyn.

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You raise a very discomfiting question. Thank you for doing so.

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Thanks. It was that way for me too, but I think it needed to be brought up.

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thank you for this, and I applaud Substack for allowing me to find it (after some exertion and boring readings) in using the "explore" feed. There is always hope if this kind of writing is available. ~best wishes, from, ....ME

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Thanks, Jacob. It's a question that I feel was begging to be asked.

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I write that way as well. Generally, I will get one very specific idea, which then constitutes the first sentence. I then have a very difficult times staying on theme and not diverging away from it. I am very interested in writing and how the meaning of one's writing or ideas transmits across the page. There are a few books out there by writers, e.g. "In the Margins," by Elena Ferrante (Europa Editions). If one can stay with the original idea then I suppose it is best! I can get: like several good ideas in a day, but making a whole essay out of it is a lot more difficult. I am going to see if you have another one...

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The best book I ever read on the topic was Stephen King's On Writing. https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/10569.On_Writing It's the only book of his I've ever read. Keep at it, jacob.

I think writing improves the more you do it.

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Really? I would never have expected that one!

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Yes, it was a very good book with useful writing tips.

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Diana, you will appreciate this chat with Grace Blakeley - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uZjFul2Uphs

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Welcome to the United States of Zionism where the neocons prevail.

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You might be interested in what I’ve come up with as an answer to the questions you’ve posed. Unfortunately our leaders are not good.

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Well,they are good at doing what their owners want them to, but they are not good people. It's all a fraud. Check out the BBC documentary ":Hypernormalization" ... truly it explains it all.

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