Not a happy early morning watch but my day has started with it. While I feel a barage of words coming from many sources, language of horrid acts and policies, I know that the realitiy on the ground for the Palestinian people and their supporters is one of bombs and mass destruction. This does not console me, but rather embeds a deap grief and sense of despair in my soul for the world.

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Mine too, Peter. Over eleven months and we still haven't been able to stop it. It makes my heart sick.

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Deeply appreciate you taking the time to transcribe his words as we know the powers that be will find a way to erase the video. Erasure is what is happening to our US electorate as well. While my heart and energy is behind Jill Stein and ending the madness sooo many are blind to Harris and her war agenda. Let’s not forget the gas and oil beneath Gaza that both ISrael and US would gleefully control once the area is no longer inhabited. If Dick Cheney supporting Harris doesn’t send shivers down your spine you have drunk the koolaid for sure. Free Palestine.

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Thanks, Yvonne, and I agree with what you've said in your comment. These days we're living in crazy land.

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The only way the horror of what Israel is doing and has done is if the UN is reformed into a true democratic organization where no country has veto powers, and UN peace keeping force is formed, and goes into Palestine and removes the wall, and the land thieves and sets up a via Palestine. It should be noted that Israel is largely dependent upon the manual labor of Palestinians .

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I wish the UN had adequate enforcement powers to actually be able to stop this genocide. And, I agree, that no country should have veto powers.

It seems like a direct conflict of interest to me that the USA can veto resolutions for a ceasefire when they're supplying money and weapons to Israel.

How can this even be legal?

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810 klm wall?

The Zionist participated in the slave trade - as documented in The 13 Sugar Colonies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S3mr0rsNyGs

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That our darling of the day issues platitudes about how hard the administration is working on achieving peace, the insanity of continuing to arm Israel has so may Democrats refusing to vote at all that that's what may give the election to Trump. How can we be so insane? Nobody even explains it so we could understand any reason for this anti-life activity.

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I don't want to see Trump get in either.

Kamala could change her stance and withhold money and arms from Israel. That's what she should do if she wants to win the election.

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Here you go. I downloaded it for you too but I can not upload it to notes because of it's length. Any video you want to copy from Twitter just start the video right click on it, copy video address and paste the URL here on this site.


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Hi Carina,

I can't get it to work. Here's another video that I'd like to see saved: https://youtu.be/yEZ_X0YtE9A.

Here's the one I posted about: https://x.com/i/status/1832506169715212540

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Ok here is the YouTube downloader


here are two urls to the videos you requested. i just uploaded them to my Odysee and then the urls will not be time sensitive.



Let me know if you manage to download them. They are both unlisted so I have to send a shareable link.

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Thanks so very much, Carina.

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You are very welcome 😊. I’ve been recording history for quite some time. “They” like to delete it from online.

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download it from here @Diana van Eyk but it is time limited link so let me know if you get it in time. I am going to snag the YouTube one for you too.


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Thanks so much, Carina!

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Most welcome Diana ✊. If you need anything else just let me know 🤗 🇵🇸

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Such a summary should be mandatory reading for those who serve in Western (i.e., "enabling") governments!

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I agree, Lenny.

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Thank you for transcribing and posting this. It is, without a doubt, the most biting, poignant, and accurate assessment of what is unfolding in Palestine, I have come across.

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You're welcome. That was my feeling too when I transcribed this.

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Thanks so much, Diana! Great headline.

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You're welcome, Val.

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I read all of the speaker’s words. None of them were surprising or new. There is no new information that can change the hearts and minds of the Insane Majority in the West. I have accepted that I live in a country (the U.S.) completely overtaken by a death cult. The death cult operates by neatly dividing the people into two meaningless “parties,” both of which function as a control mechanism to keep a sick society moving. Anyone who refuses to support the death cult is simply ignored or ostracized or, should they become too loud, censored and silenced. No amount of factual, emotional, or moral information can penetrate the death cult. They could watch videos like this all day and still emerge with their grinning visages intact, waving their campaign signs and urging everyone to get behind their (completely insane, morally vacuous) candidates.

I will never join the death cult, so my fate is to be ignored, ridiculed, and eventually silenced.

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I don't imagine my words will affect those who pull the strings of our western society. But the more of us who understand what's going on, and the information that's being withheld, the more we can change it from within.

And we're not alone.

The rest of the world is fed up with their senseless wars, coups, assassinations, etc. and they're getting organized. They're quite a force, and want what we want: a just, peaceful and liveable world.

I just hope that the powerful, as they go down kicking and screaming, don't drag the rest of us down with them.

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I very much appreciate your words and the effort you make to continue spreading truths in the face of a culture addicted to lies. I think between last night’s “debate” and this morning’s flags-at-half-mast posturing, I was just feeling depressed. Carry on.

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Flags at half mast? This was news to me. How depressing. It seems like virtue signalling. I just wrote another post that I hope you enjoy. I'll probably publish it later today or early tomorrow.

Thanks for commenting, Paul. I feel like we're on the same sad wavelength. I just can't believe this is still going on, and it sounds like NATO now wants to get really aggressive with Russia.

Russia and Palestine both want peace, but the west? Not so much. Insanity.

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This was hard to read, but I'm glad I did, and I really appreciate you transcribing it so others could have access. Wow.

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Sep 11
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You're welcome, Sean.

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