Jun 17Liked by Diana van Eyk

Lovely painting Diana.

I agree with everything you wrote. Those are the people I read from too, though your list is more comprehensive and I think you are following it more closely than I am.

I am in complete despair over the depravity of our western governments, and their sheep like, deluded populations, brainwashed on mainstream media, gorging on fear propaganda.

I too put some faith in Brics and the recent news that Saudi Arabia didn't renew the 50 year monetary deal with the USA meaning USA will not be the reserve currency any longer. A game changer.

It will continue to be painful for many more people. I doubt we will ever reach that point in civilization where we can all live better lives. It is within the realm of possible, yet always out of reach.

With love, Ann

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Hi Ann,

So nice to hear from you!

If we don't destroy ourselves in the process of whatever the hell it is we're doing, we'll be lucky.

Western leaders are behaving like spoilt brats. We need grownups in the room, eh?

Take care, Ann.



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Jun 17Liked by Diana van Eyk

It is good to read a post that is looking for hope. That is difficult to find these days. I hope that all the principles of BRICS will be real and not become something else once there is more power and money in those countries. I am having a difficult time believing that any leaders of any country are out for anything other than power, control and money. I will read or listen to some of the articles you suggest. I have been finding lately that it is difficult to listen to the news. I scan the headlines and it is just more of the same and it is all horrible. Mainstream news is empty of any real content and other sources are difficult and painful to read or listen to. Anyway, thanks for writing this and for your artwork.

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Hi Susan,

Thanks for your comments.

I feel the same way about news from mainstream media.

If you want to learn more about the countries supporting BRICS, I'd highly recommend Substack writer Karl Sanchez. https://karlof1.substack.com/

My impression is that countries that aren't part of NATO and the G7 are tired of the lies and destruction, and just want some international laws that all abide by. I've learned a lot from reading Karl's translations of speeches of people from Russia, China and elsewhere.

Take care.

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Great insights. Keep painting!

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Hey, thanks!

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Jun 17Liked by Diana van Eyk

Diane, it’s a great painting. It pulses with life. You are not alone in your anger, your confusion and your grief. We are all with you there. Don’t give in to despair. Be strong and keep creating art!

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Thanks so much, Nell.

As long as I'm breathing, I promise I will not give in.

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Hi Diana like you, I find Substack a real comfort. There are a few nut-jobs, but it’s very easy to block them. The vast majority of discussion here is sane and erudite. Therefore, it’s such a good antidote to come here for a bit of rationality and relief. It’s also reassuring to connect with other sane people.

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Beautiful painting, Diana. Thank you for sharing it with us.:)

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I'm so glad you like it, Heidi! I look forward to starting another some time soon.

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It’s lovely and I’m looking forward to seeing your next work. Thanks so much.:)

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Thanks, Heidi.

You'll probably see a lot of my older works before anything new, though.

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They’ll be new to me, so I’ll see them with a beginner’s mind.:)

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BRICS is really an organization aimed at sinking the US empire. They already have about 30% of the world’s GDP. They can do some serious damage to the dollar. I’ve long held that the US would be better off not being an empire. At least the people would be better off if there was money for things besides war

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From what I've read, BRICS seems more like a level playing field for countries that have been treated unfairly by western nations.

Admittedly, BRICS will make it more difficult for the USA and other western countries to exploit the global majority, and I believe could prevent future wars. These seem like good things to me.

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I am not so sure about India being part of BRICS right now. https://www.commondreams.org/news/arundhati-roy-prosecution

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I also have problems with India: one of the things that I don’t like is their unthinking alliance with the zionist entity.

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I don't like that and I don't like the racism against non Hindus.

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Prevent? It seems like it will likely be the cause of future wars. But I am all for it because we’re doing a really disastrous job of running things and the world is suffering as a result

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I am working to publish my book called "How to Find Joy in a Capitalist Hellscape" before the election. Capitalism is all wrapped up with colonialism and what Israel is doing in Gaza. The U.S. needs a sharp rebuke of the crony capitalism we find ourselves being strangled by because it's probably our biggest obstacle in remaining a democracy.

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Love the painting and am with you one hundred percent!

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nice painting. i have been waiting for the other foot to land ever since oct

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Beautifully expressed Diana - thank you yet again for setting out what so many of us have whirling through our minds.

My own journey started in early 2022 when I was just puzzled by the events in Ukraine and in particular some of the things being said in the media which just didn't seem right. It took about 18 months before finally extracting the propaganda to expose a realistic view of the world. This was thanks to the work of independent journalists (independent because they were pushed out of the mainstream media for telling the truth) and commentators. Of course, thanks to some of the same sources come October last year I started to be flooded by photos and videos and other information on Gaza. At first it completely overwhelmed me leaving me sobbing uncontrollably at one stage - I couldn't cope with the images of innocent people being murdered, maimed and blown completely to bits. It was the imagery of the children especially that broke me. I have settled down a bit now - mostly just shocked and gasping for breath at images of new ever more horrific events. Likewise I thought it would all be over in a few weeks but failed to comprehend the utter depravity of what's being done to the poor Palestinian people.

Still struggling to accept that the astounding barbarity, cynicism, hypocrisy and criminality of our own governments, which have shown themselves to be exact antithesis of what they tell us they stand for.

Again, a GREAT PAINTING. A wonderful flow of creativity!

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Diana, I really like the painting!!

I confess that I am less enthusiastic about BRICS..........

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