Jul 6Liked by Diana van Eyk

Diana: I truly enjoy your posts, and the artwork that accompanies it. Feels like kindred spirit stuff. I wish I could financially support you and all the wonderful contributors here on Substack! I plan to add you when I let go of another. 😉 Thanks for making your posts available without a pay wall. The time you invest is valuable in any case!

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Thanks so much! I'm glad they speak to you.

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Jul 6Liked by Diana van Eyk

When I feel down I tap into the anger I have toward the US/Israel genocide. Anger is energy -- neutral. By itself it is neutral. What you choose to do with it determines whether it is expressed positively or negatively. As part of that I have been studying the history of Zionism so I better understand the racist fascist ZioNazi history and philosophy which helps me better understand the cruel, callous insanity that has taken hold of our government and the rest of the western nations who dutifully send money, weapons and soon troops to kill at Israel's direction.

Understanding the origins, depth and goal of ZioNazism is important because at the moment the Palestinians in Gaza and the West Bank are the targets, the killing fields will soon be spreading. The first step to defeating (and surviving) a brutal, heartless enemy is to understand it. This book by Tony Greenstein is an essential read for these dark and darkening times: "Jewish Scholar's Book Reveals Zionism's Fascist Roots & Close Collaborative Role With Nazi Regime ... Learning American Zionist leaders had opposed the entry of Jewish refugees from Europe during World War II began a life-long exploration of Zionism's fascist roots."



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Jul 6Liked by Diana van Eyk

Your list makes me smile

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Glad to hear it, Rena. I forgot to add in laughter and smiling.

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Jul 7Liked by Diana van Eyk

I feel relief reading you Diane (your posts, your book I am still reading... ), your healthy way to live and care for yourself and others... I am so so so grateful you are in this world and I am sure with more people like you, Falastin and the world will find peace, the peace your big heart holds

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Thanks so much, Forrest. I'm so glad that I have that effect on you. And I hope we all open our hearts and find peace.

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Jul 7Liked by Diana van Eyk

I love this. You looked a less than horrible situation directly in the eye and stared it down.

Thank you for including the self care tips in reminders.

Personally, besides the act of genocide itself, the constant victimhood just too much. Obviously, my ire is directed at zionist fundamentalist nut jobs, not those who practice Judaism.

Thank you, Ms Diana!

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Hey, thanks, Hudson.

I was struggling with these things, and have heard from so many others who are too, that I thought I should get it out there for all of us who are feeling this way.

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💜 It’s an incredibly awful tension to navigate, so true. Energetically, philosophically, and psychically, we absolutely need to stay as close as we can to our own humanity, including our very real practical needs in order to well partner with the undulations, then extending our grounded and embodied care in the direction of those beyond us. As clear as it is in granularity, is as clear as it will be in large form as well. ❤️‍🩹

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Beautiful post on self care, Diana, including the artwork. Thank you.:)

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I'm really glad you enjoyed it, Heidi.

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This is a wonderful list for self-care. It seems to be getting harder, and I am not just talking about US/Israel/Gaza. Sometimes I almost feel as if walls are closing in. That's when I take deep breaths! Feeling sad and trying to make sense of it all, on a personal level.

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Emma, so many are going through similar things.

My post was a response to others who are really struggling. These are tough times in the western world for so many folks too.

Take care, Emma, I hope things improve for you.

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Thank you. I was recently in the UK for several weeks and yes there are certainly challenges there. Our son is facing them... We have to do our best in our own corners, for ourselves and for others. It's not easy though!

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Shukran for all that you do Diana, we will continue to echo love and peace until Falastin too has everything long overdue and so deserved inshallah 🙏

Viva la 🇵🇸

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Thank you for the reminder. Writing about it helps me, too. Something you said makes me steel myself - "Self care ensures that we don’t burn out, and that we’re going to be able to function over the long haul." - because I think it will be a long haul, indeed. Any citizen of The States also deals with the guilt of being part of a society that is also paying for and equipping the genocide, and learning for perhaps the first time about much of the horrible shit this country has done and continues to do around the world. It's incredibly wearing. I don't mean to whine and complain; I'm not a Palestinian in Gaza or The West Bank, after all. But I do feel desolate.

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I think so many of us feel the same way, Martin. It really is wearing, and so many express this.

I'm trying to figure out how to stay strong, and hope that I can help others to as well.

We're needed in these very fraught times.

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Self-care is so important! I've lately recommitted, despite various pains, to exercise every day. I already eat a healthy diet, and I agree that's key to sustaining oneself. You have to shine from the inside out, and healthful foods help you do that.

It's just really important to keep perspective, and a lot of that has to do with pragmatics: taking care of the body, but also nurturing the mind.

(Thanks for the shout-out! That's so kind of you. Best regards, as always.)

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Jul 10Liked by Diana van Eyk

Your writings are appreciated

Unlike the Palestinians we get to decide what to do with our time when to eat and when to sleep - we also get to read and stay up late reading and to date.

The most frustrating part about not being able to stop a genocide ourselves is catching our politicians in one lie after another - either way they're WEF puppets or career Zionist.

more about that here - '' The Zionist Movement in Britain: David Miller and Vanessa Beeley'' https://beeley.substack.com/p/the-zionist-movement-in-britain-david?publication_id=716517&post_id=146430419&isFreemail=true&r=1h688z&triedRedirect=true

Catering to the Zionist agenda appears to be a worldwide phenomenon.

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Jul 7Liked by Diana van Eyk

We are the lucky ones. Thousands of miles separate most of us from the bombs and atrocities. While many of us munch on expensive, delivered food while watching ideological propaganda disguised as entertainment on Netflix, our taxes fund the proxy war in Ukraine and the ZioGenocide. Taiwan is next!

Those of us who don't turn away from the gut-wrenching images of mutilated children and carpet-bombed cities need to support each other and seek our own means of nurturing. We may not be starving or suffering from PTSD, but the trauma we experience once we commit to fighting this barbaric ZioGenocide will take its toll.

We have different levels of tolerance and must monitor the impact on our psyche that this battle inflicts. Find what works for you and stay in the fight. It's not an exaggeration to say that we are in a fight to save civilization!

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Exactly, Jack.

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Jul 7Liked by Diana van Eyk

Diana, if you haven’t listened to it yet, the latest Useful Idiots podcast was amazing. The interviewed a Mizrahi Jew (you know, an ACTUAL indigenous Jewish person) and his take o the genocides, massacres, and aggression was fascinating. Well worth the listen.

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I'll check it out if I get a chance. I know there are so many Jewish people who object to and are actively protesting against Israel's genocide in Gaza.

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Love the sentiments, Diana! Please read the post on Leon's Substack, it may resonate somewhat.....

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I could definitely relate to your post, Leon, and I subscribed. Thanks.

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You forgot to say .. stop paying taxes .. conscientious objection goes for more than just soldiers saying no to battling a war

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It sounds like you need to write a post, Bels.

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Jul 12Liked by Diana van Eyk

Oh I am getting there...stars will align soon...I just secured myself a new place where I can write and do some art... hang about 👍

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