The US had no choice but to settle with him. There is no way the US could have prosecuted this case. Can you imagine Assange testifying and repeating the war crimes he revealed? The US did get a major extraction from Assange, He pleaded guilty under the Espionage Act. This can be a huge danger for journalists around the world going forward

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Yes, I agree, Michael. Still, I'm so glad to see him free.

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Yes me too. It was a great event. Some semblance of justice was served

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Quite correct; it WILL be "a huge danger for journalists around the world going forward." Consequently, I am inclined to restate my position: that I am thrilled that Assange has been released, but I fear this was a Pyrrhic victory.

The US would never have let his case get to trial. He would conveniently have "committed suicide" or "had an accident." One way or the other, if he stepped foot on US soil, he was already condemned to die on US soil. Let us be thankful that no attempt was made to assassinate him.

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Yes, exactly! (Love the artwork, btw.)

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Thanks, Louise!

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Jun 27Liked by Diana van Eyk

We need an optimistic strength balanced by hope and a clear-eyed acceptance of what we face.

Chris Hedges had a great column today. The audio of the column is great: "Mass street protests and prolonged civil disobedience are our only hope. A failure to rise up — which is what the corporate state is counting on — will see us enslaved and the earth’s ecosystem become inhospitable to human habitation. Let us take a lesson from the courageous men and women who took to the streets for 14 years to save Julian. They showed us how it is done."

"You Saved Julian Assange - Read by Eunice Wong"


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A salute to Assange defenders from one of his closest advisors: "“Assange Was Going To Be Epstein’ed” - Whistle Blower Craig Murray"


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I just watched this, and really appreciated what Craig Murray had to say.

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Me too.

A good man.

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Wow! Well written whether one agrees or not! Thank you!

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Thank you, Diana. We keep on keeping on!

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Glad to hear it, Heidi.

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Jun 26Liked by Diana van Eyk

:) hope

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Thousands of emails and letters to government, demonstrations, petitions, protest meetings, attempts at speaking truth to power of my activist years: could they really have all been part of a cumulative effect producing this wonderful result? Is it actually the case that action taken with pure intention is never futile, even though both causation and effect are inscrutable? I've come to believe it.

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Well said. We must not miss opportunities to celebrate our successes, celebrate the good of a truth teller being set free. When asked on Breaking Points what Julian Assange would likely do upon returning home, is brother said that he looked forward to making time to listen to The birds that he knew and loved and immersing himself in the waters and bush of Australia. This should give us joy, and a reminder of what we insist on striving for for all people.

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Thanks for this Diana. It's hard to remember that change is possible: the Berlin Wall seemed permanent, Nelson Mandela would die in prison,...

On this theme I finally read Hope in the Dark by Rebecca Solnit as people kept recommending it


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deletedJun 27·edited Jun 28Liked by Diana van Eyk
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Wow! Best of luck to you.

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deletedJun 28Liked by Diana van Eyk
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You can talk with me if you wish as I have major experience in being attacked for no good reason at all.. And I'm a great listener

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Same thing happened to me here in Nigeria I swear!

I thought I was crazy for having so many bigwigs in the country after me when I was just an intern and worst of all, my own father joined them in trying to take me down and let me add, I've had issues with schizophrenia before and they used against me big time especially with the sensory overload you mentioned

I don't know what their endgame is but I was able to put the Fear of Me into my father to the extent he now locks his room every night which he didn't use to do until I sh

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..showed him my darkness and fangs are way worse than his. Seems he has let them know they can't take me down and now they've backed off me but my only hypothesis for why they came after me so is that it's spiritual as there are a lot of demons in this my fucked up country and I am Spiritually Very Powerful

But they have handicapped me in other ways as I got fired unjustly from my work Nov last year and the two jobs I've gotten since then have lied to me on key terms of the contract and so I'm back to being unemployed again.. No matter, better to lose money than my dignity and integrity as I suspect those fuckers wanted me to join them in their demonic shit and when they knew they wouldn't get me in or be able to control me, they tried to kill me..

I thank God for It's Protection and that of the Universe and now, let me see how they will stop me from reaching the Top in Life when their other attempts have failed. I will become a Big Name in this World and I will expose all the fuckers who tried to take me down

This World is just an Evil Shitty place..

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deletedJun 28
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No worries on the advice as I've dealt with my situation on my own, just need to find a way to start making money again as I'm sick of depending on the guy that tried to kill

Your words of encouragement are more than enough for me 😊

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