<< malign influence on college campuses and to the national security implications of such influence on faculty >>

What memories you restore! During the 1960s, when so many of us protested against the criminal, illegal, and immoral invasion of Vietnam by the USA, the FBI and other such groups tried to link us to operatives of the USSR, China, and other such "Communist" groups. Our "intelligence" services find conspiracies wherever they wish and often punish innocent people.

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Indeed, obfuscation of the truth is the name of the game, always has been, but now it is at fever pitch as the US & Western world devours itself from the inside. I completed a Media & Communications degree in 1997 and read: Manufacturing Consent: The Political Economy of the Mass Media,1988, Edward S. Herman and Noam Chomsky: "The mass communication media of the U.S. are effective and powerful ideological institutions that carry out a system-supportive propaganda function, by reliance on market forces, internalised assumptions, and self-censorship, and without overt coercion", by means of the propaganda model of communication." Wakey, wakey!

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I saw the film many years ago and it was really good.

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May 23Liked by Diana van Eyk

Calling students the virus? Correct me if I am wrong but the committee kind of calls students the Virus if they brand the reports "SARS". Covid is called SarsCov2. SARS1 was a big virus as well.

"On May 14, the Chairs of the House Oversight and Education Committees sent a letter to Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen requesting “Suspicious Activity Reports” (SARs).

The committee forgot about the actual malign influence on universities stopping them to be places of public ideas: that they are so asset richt that students are a liability to their investments.

The committee wrote:

"malign influence on college campuses and to the national security implications of such influence on faculty" 📢.

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Ya, insane.

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The only malign influence in the universities is big Jewish/Zionist money and appointing Zionist Deans to run the university.

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May 24Liked by Diana van Eyk

Very thoughtful and important piece.

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Thanks, Alicia.

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Are you familiar with the Promis scandal? Check out Whitney Webb

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Great article, Diana, complex and nuanced and thought provoking. Love the artwork that you are posting at the end of your articles.

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Thanks so much, Heidi. And it's so nice to hear that you enjoy my artwork.

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I really do. It’s a kind of therapy.

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Doing the art is a kind of therapy for me too.

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I’m so glad to hear that, Diana.:)

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I agree with you, we need unity! It's hard to say what's keeping us from coming together into a single cause. I figure the world's economic situation will reach a boiling point. Then, common interests crystalize for the common good.

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I'm glad you agree, Brandon. It really feels like we're watching a slow motion train wreck to me, and our chance to organize together. I hope we'll figure out how to do this.

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They already are doing, Checkout Suzanne Taylor's Substack

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Wars are mostly started by the Extremists, and funded by their extremist supporters, eg: The Tories in the UK. The elections are now set for the 4th July (A strange date n'est ce-pas !?)... I you or your friends are British expats you can vote the Tories out and send a signal to the world. Are you registered to vote ? If not then do so quickly, PLEASE. It's a simple process and can be found by Googling Expat UK Voting. BTW if think that voting is a waste of time.... That is a myth perpetrated by the right wing press barons that own the fake left wing media.... Do your bit, Heal Our World. Thankyou

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I'm in Canada, and I always vote.

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I believe you have mention this before, and anyway I would have guessed that you do - because voting makes sense just like your excellent articles. Articles that deserve to be restacked. Peace, Maurice

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Thanks so much, Maurice!

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It's absolutely amazing to watch so many countries squash dissent. It's a global movement that seems to be in lockstep.

The other thing that amazes me is when Westerners are in shock when they find out a country doesn't support them. At the beginning of the Ukraine war, we were told it was "everyone vs Russia". That statement turned out to be far from true. The global South were calling it "another US imperialist war" while the entire African continent became military allies of Russia. Not to mention that the BRICS alliance doubled in size.

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Thank you, Diana. Good advice about buying in bulk, etc. I’m going to start doing ugly

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RemovedMay 24
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Practice makes perfect - backlash

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