Yes! I agree with this. And our western news media bear a large share of the blame. If you look back as recently as 2015, they gave Trump lots of publicity—to our detriment, and that if the world. Not that Clinton is much better.

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I agree, Mary. What a gong show of an election that was. And all the Russian interference? More fake news. https://consortiumnews.com/2024/09/17/john-kiriakou-russian-interference-3-0/

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I am encouraged that so many mainstream media manipulators are held in ever lower regard by ever more intelligent individuals here on the internet, here on substack

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Ameen. You sound like a voice of reason and love to me Diana. I continue to appreciate your eloquent words and art. Shukran 🇵🇸♥️🙏

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Thanks so much, Najwan.

I don't know why this one felt so strange to write. Maybe it was just the head space I'm in.


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It must have been. All in your head. Because your resounding logic and love is all I heard and felt ♥️

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Sep 18Liked by Diana van Eyk

"Joy and good vibes!" is a very simple message, and the message is that "I got mine, so everything is all right!"

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Thankfully, as your post demonstrates to me, we are not alone. Many of us feel this way. The truth is becoming harder and harder to ignore, as you can only obscure the obvious so much. That is why I think the response has been this increasingly suffocating climate where dissent is delegitimized, precisely because it is becoming more and more able to disrupt the 'normal' way of doing things. A confirmation to keep doing what we're doing, to keep telling the truth and informing others, if I've ever seen one. As I said in my last post, there are always opportunities for peace.

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Aaaah Robert, the more the cretins crescendo of crap, ..... the more of us rise to the challenge, n'est-ce pas ?

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Thanks so much for this great post, Diana. You express exactly how many of us are feeling right now. Our disgust at the lies we are being told stops us from listening to the mainstream news with any kind of credulity. The crimes of the various evil regimes become more and more vicious, yet their enablers aren’t disturbed at all. All of this has to come to a conclusion soon enough: perhaps everyone around the world will down tools and go on a general strike until the murdering stops. I don’t know what people can do. The. OST important thing to remember is that there are far more of us than there are of them: we will prevail, and peace will reign somehow!

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A great reminder, Jacqueline, thanks.

And tomorrow there's an important international meeting that could turn things around. https://consortiumnews.com/2024/09/17/the-worlds-chance-to-confront-us-israeli-genocide/

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I sincerely hope that today’s vote will enable the rest of the world to stop America’s complicity in the genocide of Palestinians. Reading this, I’m reminded of the fact that the majority of the world recognises Palestine and supports it’s aims as a sovereign state. - I hope that these countries can force an end to the war, although I’m not hopeful.

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Me too, Jacqueline. Israel and its enablers, which includes most western nations, must be stopped.

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Yes Jaqueline, there are, thankfully, more of us, it's a Numbers Game, More and more are writing and we need to creatively encourage that expansion..... see also .... https://thiscreativeadventure.com Peace, Maurice

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Sep 18Liked by Diana van Eyk

Two grotesque examples of the kind of routine news manipulation and hiding that both creates and perpetuates the death cycle we are in: "DECEPTIVE US MEDIA HIDING THE TRUTH: Third Self-Immolation Protest & Hiding The Dead" ... The mask is off with Gaza. The corporate death state can no longer hide their reality.They’re frantically jogging in their closet to protect the scam.


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Good examples, Mark. And then there's the one about Haitian immigrants eating people's cats and dogs. More fake news. https://www.npr.org/2024/09/15/nx-s1-5113140/vance-false-claims-haitian-migrants-pets

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Sep 18Liked by Diana van Eyk

Check out powerful Gaza film showing right now:


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HUGE yes!!!!!

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Hey, thanks, Mark.

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Diana -- Be sure to watch. Do a whole post with this film. It's not only genocide, as in targeting civilians, but it is the personal atrocities committed by Israeli soldiers. Netanyahu is one unthinkable thing but this is what makes us Jews beside ourselves for how to stop the aid we give that lets Israel be a pariah.

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I'll try to get to it, Suzanne, although I'm really busy both on and offline.

I've seen and read about the atrocities on twitter, and I'm beside myself as well.

I can't imagine how difficult it must be for Jewish people having this done in their name. It must be infuriating.

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We need more writers Suzanne, and we need to encourage more good hearts to pick up their pens......

I'm wondering how many of your 2,000 readers are also writers..... and how can we encourage them to restack ....

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Mark, I clicked your link.... Thankyou for the info, Broadcasting the truth is so important. Keep up the good work, Peace, Maurice

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Thanks! You too.

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Sep 18Liked by Diana van Eyk

I am sending you a hug. I know you work so hard to stand for the important things. I loved your meditation about your cat!

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Thanks Alicia. Sending a hug back.

For many of us, these things are a big deal.

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So true Diana, we have to raise our vibrations to get out of this sham & world leaders will not lift us up to the higher ground. This post: Aya from Challenge the Narrative <ayauk@substack.com> brought me to tears, but reminded me that angels walk amongst us: https://open.substack.com/pub/ayauk/p/the-only-thing-that-protects-the?r=2r1bhp&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=email

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The mass media are complicit in the destruction of Our World, when we don't protest we are complicit too. "Hallo Goldie" for more on Diana from https://thiscreativeadventure.com Friday 11th October

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Are they ever, Maurice, and Hollywood too.

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One of the major players in the development of the American Film industry was a wealthy Flour Miller from Kingston-upon-Hull, who's Quaker family founded Pinewood Studios, to ostensibly produce Temperance propaganda but made it's money from salaciousness...

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Or maybe it's been co-opted since then.

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