I have a very lovely horse. Early on I learnt that horses can read our emotions much better than we can. After a couple of unfortunate events I started to spend a lot of time with him focusing on getting myself into the right frame of mind - calm, confident, relaxed, sensitive. After a while it began to work both ways - horses have a slower heart rate and are incredibly sensitive. Spending time with him has become the best possible form of mediation, for me at least.

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Horses are amazing. It sounds like you have a great companion who brings out the best in you.

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We could use some de-escalation. This world has become a wrecking ball of violence

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I hope things continue to de-escalate, Michael. What's going on these days is insanity.

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Sep 15Liked by Diana van Eyk

Cat care is important.

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I often go for country walks w/my neighbour & her two beautiful Cavalier King Charles Spaniels (#NotMyKing😉), Theo & Fin, who happen to be brothers. I also dog-sit for her & truly appreciate the unconditional love that they have given me from being playful pups to rambunctious youths - got to love puppy therapy 🙏

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For sure. Our furry companions give us so much, don't they?

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Sep 15Liked by Diana van Eyk

Really helpful so thanks for sharing. Hi to Steve 😺

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I'm glad you found it helpful, Meredith. Steve's such a comfort.

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Dolly the cat does morning meditation with my partner every day. :-)

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How lovely. :)

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Luvluvluv this post, Diana. Steve is a natural meditator. We can all learn to live in the moment and relax from cats.:)

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Yes, Steve is a natural meditator. Our furry friends teach us so much. Thanks for your comment, Heidi.

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Sep 15Liked by Diana van Eyk

Steve is beautiful. Have you ever been to a Vipassana retreat? There are 2 or three in BC https://www.dhamma.org/. I have been about 5 or 6 times, 2 10 day retreats and some shorter ones. It is an excellent method of meditation. I didn't always like listening to the talks given by Goenka, who died a few years ago, (they still use his recordings, i think) but I could tune him out using the technique he taught. It is free. They ask for donations of money or time if you want. Nothing is also accepted. You get fed good vegetarian food and have a place to sleep. You don't talk to anyone for 10 days. The first time I went, I had never realized that it was possible to feel that freed of anxiety at the end. There were some really difficult times though and I did sometimes wonder what I had gotten myself into.

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I haven't been, although I know lots who have. Good for you, Susan, it seems like a great thing to do for our mental and emotional health.

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Thanks for the meditation suggestion, Diana. I've been scandalously negligent......

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