Sep 21Liked by Diana van Eyk

Well said, Diana. It's such an insane system in which we live. Even when longer term planning would be in the interest of the greediest endeavors, those running the ship choose the short term gain at expense of more in the long run. Rationalizations on the basis of complete madness and wrecklessness.

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It is insane, I agree, Kevin. People should earn positions of power because they've demonstrated that they care, and understand the problems. I don't see any of that.

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I pray for courageous hearts every day and every night


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Me too, Najwan.

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Sep 22Liked by Diana van Eyk

I am always in awe of how much Mother/Grandmother earth restores herself with only a little time and space - and how much faster with a little love. We don't need to DO as much as we think so much as stop doing harm and simply come alive as expressions of her and of Source.

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Sep 22Liked by Diana van Eyk

"I want the future to be a place where we can all live our best lives on a planet that is being restored to its full splendor. Wouldn’t that be a wonderful present?"


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Sep 22Liked by Diana van Eyk

What an exceedingly well written piece asking a critical question.

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Thanks so much, Ned!

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Sep 23Liked by Diana van Eyk

I love your writing and I love your artwork.

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Thanks so much, Denise! I'm so glad you love them both. I can't tell you how insecure about my artwork I've been for such a long time. It was a big step for me to start including it in my Substack posts.

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<< when they disregard ... the planet that sustains us? >>

This is the greatest mystery of all. The planet is warming and much of it may become inhospitable. Sea levels will rise. The coral reefs will bleach. The rainforests will suffer droughts. Nevertheless, a substantial minority in the USA are in complete denial, content to get rich now and leave an irreparably damaged planet to their descendants. "Drill, Baby, Drill!" bellowed the Denier-in-Chief, while millions cheered.

If Harris wins, the genocide in Gaza (and, it seems, Lebanon and the West Bank) will continue. If Trump wins, the entire planet will become the spittoon, urinal, and outhouse for the wealthy corporations and individuals. I know we disagree, but this one is a no-brainer.

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And how much do you think the bombings of Israel are contributing to climate change, Lenny? It's all so interconnected. Pro peace is pro environment.

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Ummm... Because it seems that you haven't figured this shit out yet: The US government is literally a crime syndicate. You're being played on a massive level and you have a lot of unlearning to do. Do you really think either one of those rich, vapid genocidal monsters running for office give a fuck about you🤣 Jfc🤦‍♀️ Harris is just fine slaughtering children. How do you sleep at night?

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Crime syndicate gives the impression they are human. We are way past 'crimes' here. I'm really starting to believe they are not human. Me ten years ago would call myself crazy for saying that. Now nothing is off the table. But if I say anything to people they call me crazy or stupid. Yeah, I don't sleep at night because of that.

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Oh, they're human. They just lack empathy, sympathy, and compassion aka psychopaths. What really scares me though, they're also all dumber than rocks🫠

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