Very well put. I agree with you all the way, and I will be voting for Dr. Jill Stein.

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"Joy and good vibes are not what I associate with genocide."

Me neither. It's insulting to think that the "purple parties" believe decent human beings with a conscience would fall for their evil nonsense to hide their complicity with genocide. I applaud you for bringing light to this subject.

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Thanks. It's hard for me to comprehend how people consider supporters of this genocide that we all can witness on our devices as the lesser of two evils. In the USA, Canada or any other western nation.

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I got into an email discussion with my MP who declares himself to be a "proud Zionist" . He chastised me for denying Israel's right to exist. I have never said anything about Israel's right to exist. He does not seem to understand how what is happening is Gaza is very similar to the holocaust. He has been completely brainwashed. We are up against Zionists who have been taught from birth that Arabs hate them and that they have a supreme right to live in Israel for historic reasons. It is going to be a difficult fight, but we have to keep fighting. Otherwise we will have one holocaust after another because people did not speak out then either.

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Yes, it's a very entrenched attitude, and the result of profound indoctrination. I've heard about this from people who are no longer Zionist.

It's worth the effort, but so hard.

Thanks for doing this, Susan.

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A choice between genocide advocates is no choice at all.

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It’s sickening to think that the USA - “Land of the Free, Home of the BRAVE” would be complicit with the cowardly brutalization of children.

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Land of the "Free to Murder"

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Red and Blue in the UK and US are both murderous.

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Wonderful post, Diana. Truth and common sense abound. If genocide is not a "red line" for you, then what is? Excellent.

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Thanks, Leon.

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Thankyou Diana, for the way in which you speak out against mindless destruction. You are a valuable asset to the Voice of Sensibility. Peace, Maurice

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Thanks so much, Maurice.

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Ameen. Can we civilized folk actively advocate for red obvious moral lines already?


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I can't believe this is acceptable to people, Najwan. Stopping Israel is the very least they should do to earn people's votes. But no. AIPAC and all. It's revolting.

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A thousand yesses -- this is so cogent

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Thanks, Jan.

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Very well written expose of the problem we face The greed and vanity of these people is the problem How do we as individuals address this issue

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We address the issue by not spending our time working for the companies that are assisting the perpetrators in any way. We do it also by not spending our money with them, by changing our lifestyle to be non-complicit, by being an example....

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>>The emperor is removing his clothes before our eyes, and what we’re seeing is monstrous.<<

This. I will also be voting for Stein. Great piece once again, Diana.

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Thanks, Val. And I'm so glad to hear that you'll be voting for Jill Stein.

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I won’t be voting for Liberals or Conservatives either, Diana. So sad to have few options but check out the Peoples Party of Canada. You may not agree with everything they stand for but they are anti-war.

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Canada knows full well what its American Master expects of it, and Canadian politicians get on their knees, grateful to be allowed to gratify Master.

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"My vote needs to be earned, and I will vote for a party that shares my vision for the future." - Absolutely

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If you want MORE genocide, simply ignore the Trump threat. As much as you may dislike Harris (and I agree that she and Biden have proven themselves complicit), things will be MUCH worse for Palestinians if Trump regains power. THINK THIS OVER CAREFULLY before you either don't vote or cast a protest vote for Stein or West (or some other so-called "Third Party" option). I'll swallow my bile and vote the lesser of two evils.

Note that I am far more concerned with the environment, and my decision is made with full knowledge that Harris is now in favor of fracking! Why? Again: a Harris administration will at least LISTEN to warnings about global warming. Trump considers it a hoax and has vowed to "Drill, Baby, Drill."

Then there are other issues: the judicial appointments (Trump's gang have all been criminal), reproductive rights (need I say more?), the income disparity (he wants MORE tax breaks for the wealthy), the antagonism toward public education (witness his Secretary of Education: Betsy DeVoss!), implicit threats against the Affordable Care Act, etc., etc., etc.

These arguments about genocide are splendid in theory, but they are naive in praxis. Trump's son-in-law (Kushner) is already drooling over the prospect of "developing" the beach-front of Gaza, and if you think the genocide is bad now, "you ain't seen nothin' yet." Think THAT one over!

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You've fallen victim to a common mathematical fallacy. Voting for a Green candidate does NOT take away a vote from a Blue or Red candidate. You have to remember that Greens only vote for their candidates--we're not going to vote for Team Blue or Red. That doesn't subtract or add a vote to either of those "purple parties". If you don't believe me, there's a simple experiment you can do to see the truth of this matter. Take three bowls or buckets and label them one, two, three or Green, Red, Blue. You hold a glass of water and your "vote" is that water. Pour your water into the bowl/bucket of your choice. Let's say you pour it into the second bucket. Now look at all three buckets--did the other two buckets lose or gain any water when you "voted." Take your time... You'll conclude that no, your "vote" had no power to make the other candidate/bucket gain or lose votes. Always vote your conscience and don't fall for the "lesser evil" nonsense. Voting for evil brings more evil into the world. Vote for candidates who aren't supporting genocide and you won't be helping others who do gain votes. The bucket scenario proves it.

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Math, please: If Greens vote for the Green Party in states that are solidly blue or red, so be it. However, if they and disgusted, disgruntled "progressives" -- and there are MANY of us -- vote for the Green Party in "swing" states, they will very likely hand the election to Trump.

A little history, please: That's what the Green Party did in 2000, handing Florida and the election to Bush. Brilliant move, wasn't it? Wars in Afghanistan and Iraq ("weapons of mass destruction"); Alito and Roberts to the Extreme Court; the financial crisis; the doubling of the national debt (actually, even more!); crappy environmental policies (certainly worse than Gore's would have been)...So much for your "fallacy."

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The Greens aren't handing the election to Trump. That would be the genocidal Democrats. Sorry, but genocide is my red line.

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Obviously, you're still following the DNC propaganda. Go and look at the vote counts. Gore lost Florida in the popular vote. That means Bush took all the electoral votes. That had nothing to do with the brilliant lawyer/social-activist Ralph Nader, as I stated previously, Greens vote ONLY for Green candidates. We didn't vote for either Gore or Bush. Therefore, following the math--the actual numbers--our votes didn't change the outcome. Bush had more votes in Florida. Sorry. That's the way the numbers work.

But don't worry--Obama won 8 years later and continued the wars in Afghanistan and Iraq. He didn't shut down Cheney's pet project, Guantanomo Bay prison. And guess what? Dick Cheney is backing Kamala Harris--so you're getting George W. Bush's team all over again when you vote for her! Enjoy!

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How is it “propaganda” that Clinton lost the popular vote in swing states by less than the amount Jill Stein received? If that had not happened, the slate of electors would’ve gone to Hillary, and we would never have had a trump presidency. Which means no conservative stacked Supreme Court - that’s why they held their noses and voted for him. Your above comment suggests you know that’s how elections work, so your statement and analogy before were entirely false. The reason Dick Cheney is backing her is that Republicans need to understand we aren’t fucking around when we say Trump will destroy everything. It’s certainly not that he supports ANY progressive policies, like are you genuinely that stupid or are you lying???

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Dubbya defeated Gore by 537 votes. Nader notched 97,488. If 1% of the Greens had voted for Gore, whose environmental policies were far closer to theirs than Bush's were)...

You see no difference between the two parties. I view all of these people (Reagan, Bush 41, Clinton, Bush 43, Obama, Trump, Biden, and -- I hope -- Harris) as criminals, given the foreign policy decisions they made. Will the Zionists get a blank check from either party? Yes. However, Trump represents a far greater evil than Harris, for reasons I belabored above. My decision is to vote for her; yours is to vote Green.

Is "the lesser of two evils" the correct choice or a poor choice? That is a matter on which we cannot agree.

By the way, Nobel Laureate Obama came to office harshly critical of "Bush's wars." Nevertheless, US forces remained in both Afghanistan and Iraq (even after bin Laden was murdered), and during Obama's presidency, they bombed five others (Libya, Pakistan, Somalia, Syria, Yemen). However, in my eyes, he was STILL a better alternative than McCain or Romney. In yours, he was not. Cheers!

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If you are worried that voting for Jill Stein will help Trump, find a would be Trump voter in your state who really wants to vote 3rd party but feels they have to vote for Trump so as not to help Harris. You can both agree to vote for who you really want to vote for. Check out votepact.org for more on this strategy.

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(1) I do NOT trust anyone who would even consider voting for Trump. (2) I shall swallow my bile and vote for Harris for the reasons stated above -- and hope that others will follow my example: end of discussion.

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You are voting for genocide. Own it.

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However you rationalize voting for genocide.

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This is one of those rare situations where the heart matters more than the head. Voting isn't going to fix the USA (nor save the world), so thinking you have a strategy is pointless. All you can do is vote for your conscience.

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Why democracy is mathematically impossible - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qf7ws2DF-zk

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